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Renovation as easy as
booking a hotel room

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No pre-payments

Additionally, you can easily cancel the job free of charge before the renovation starts.


Follow in real time

You can track the hours and progress with daily entries on our website with your booking.



Renovations come with a comprehensive two-year warranty.

How does FoxDo work?

We are a revolutionary service that simplifies the renovation process. Say goodbye to time-consuming and costly bidding procedures. With FoxDo, you can conveniently compare availability, prices, and customer reviews directly on our website when placing an order. Our hourly pricing always includes mileage and value-added tax, based solely on the actual working time. No more paying for unnecessary extras!


Discover your local contractors and professionals

Search for renovators in your area by using your location's zip code. Compare prices and customer reviews of qualified professionals. You don't have to bid for projects; instead, you can choose the best professional for the job at the best price.

Näyttökuva 2023-6-27 kello 13.08.46

24/7 easy online ordering in 5 minutes

When you place your order, the selected contractor will get in touch with you within 24 hours. Together, you will agree on the details. You can always cancel your order free of charge before it begins.

On the agreed-upon day, the renovator arrives at the site and begins the work. In some cases, renovation can even start the next day. You can monitor the progress and work stages through daily hourly logs provided by the FoxDo system.


Tax Credit for Home Expenses

Once the work is finished, you'll receive an invoice detailing the hours worked and materials used. We offer a comprehensive 2-year warranty for our services.

Moreover, home renovations may be eligible for household deductions in your personal taxation.

Our references

Pricing of our renovations

Our pricing page is in Finnish

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Palvelussamme on jo yli 450 remonttialan ammattilaista!
Löydät  alueesi vapaat tekijät kätevällä postinumerohaulla.


Alexander Gorlenko

Kalusteasennuksiin ja pientöihin keskittynyt ammattilainen.

Yli 50 FoxDo -tilausta
Tuntihinta alkaen 57,00 €/h

Näyttökuva 2023-9-19 kello 14.59.26

Netta Salo

Ammattiylpeä maalari monen vuoden kokemuksella.

Yli 20 FoxDo -tilausta
Tuntihinta alkaen 65,00 €/h


Janne Kunnela

Sähköasennuksia laadukkaasti ja asiakasta kuunnellen vuodesta 2008.

Yli 10 FoxDo -tilausta

Tuntihinta alkaen 81,00 €/h

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